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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

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St Mary’s C of E Primary School


Class 4 - Miss Wright

Dear Parents/carers,


Welcome back!


This half term, the children in Class 4 will be learning about World War Two as part of our History work. In this topic, the children will learn about the Blitz and how people, especially children were affected during this time of conflict. 

In our English sessions, the children's writing will be inspired by the novel, 'Goodnight, Mister Tom'  by Michelle Magorian. The story follows the experiences of a young evacuee called William Beech as he adjusts to life in the countryside. 


In science, the children will study the heart and find out about how the circulatory system works. 


Class 4’s weekly PE sessions will take place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The children will be studying gymnastics and hockey skills in these sessions. 


In Maths this half term, the children will be learning about place value of increasingly large numbers, before studying efficient methods for the four number operations. 


Homework will be given out each Friday and will usually consist of one online piece and one worksheet. Where appropriate, English homework may be linked to our topic work. Homework should be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest. In addition to this, the children will receive weekly spelling lists each Monday which they will be tested on each Friday. 


Finally, don’t hesitate to contact me on Class Dojo should you wish to discuss your child’s wellbeing or progress; I’m more than happy to help!




Kind regards,



Miss K Wright
