St Mary’s C of E Primary School
Welcome to Edwinstowe CE Primary School.
Thank you for your interest in our school.
St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Edwinstowe is a small village school and as such we work to ensure that all our children feel valued and accepted within what we consider to be our school family.
Reflected in our Vision, we encourage the spiritual and social as well as the academic growth of all our pupils so that each feels confident to challenge themselves to be the best that they can be, secure in the knowledge of God’s love for each one.
As a church school, not only our vision and ethos, but also our enquiry-led curriculum is grounded upon the Christian values which are at the heart of all we do. However, we welcome children and families from all faiths and backgrounds, promoting an understanding of and respect for others. With a wealth of extra-curricular activities and Sherwood Forest at our doorstep, we aim to not only widen the children’s experiences but also increase their ecological awareness and foster a sense of stewardship of the Earth.
Working as a partnership between staff, governors and parents and, since the beginning of December 2019 within the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham Multi Academy Trust, the St. Mary’s team strive to educate, in the words of the Church of England’s Vision for Education for ‘life in all its fullness’. In this way, in the living-out of our values, the school community works to ‘show love; act justly and give thanks’.
You are most welcome to visit us to see why we think St. Mary’s is such a special place to be. We look forward to meeting you.
‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it’ Proverbs 22:6