St Mary’s C of E Primary School
We aim, within our small school, to develop thoughtful individuals, confident and resilient children of all ages who understand the positive contribution, which they can make to the world and their status as God’s precious children.
Show love; act justly; give thanks.
Our vision- the thing that spells out what is important and unique about St. Mary’s Church of England School and what we intend for our pupils…
‘See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands,’ Isaiah 46 verse 16.
…is for a community of learners who flourish; who, grounded in the dignity and knowledge of God’s love for each one can say, ‘I am happy to be me’.
‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you,’ Ephesians 4 verse 32.
…is for a community who, confident in the hope of the Gospel message feel safe to be inquisitive, to challenge themselves; who know that difficulties are opportunities to ‘bounce forwards’, strengthened by the grace of God.
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…….And God saw that it was good,’ Genesis 1 verse 1, 10
…is for a community of service; individuals who understand and are committed to act out their responsibilities not only to and with each other, but as stewards of God’s creation; from the doorstep of Sherwood Forest to a world-wide impact.
‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ‘ Jerimiah 29:11
…is for an enthusiastic community, whose learning, rooted in the Christian values of justice, love, forgiveness, dignity, endurance and thankfulness will equip all to take their place in society, making wise choices both now and in the future.
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’. John 10:10.
…is for a community who take with them into an ever-changing world, the humble confidence which comes from knowledge of the constancy of God’s all-encompassing love; awareness of the broad opportunities available to them and determination to live the life which God intended for them; life in all its fullness.
God’s children learning together; looking after His world and each other.