St Mary’s C of E Primary School
ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
There will always be children and young people in schools facing life challenges that detract from their ability to engage with learning. Some will require greater support to increase their emotional literacy than others. Emotional literacy is about understanding and coping with the feelings of ourselves and others. It involves developing high self-esteem and creating positive interactions with other people. Being emotionally literate helps children to focus better on their learning and has a positive impact on their general happiness and well-being.
ELSA is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed. ELSAs are specialist members of staff with a wealth of experience of working with children.
At St Mary's Miss Lusty has been trained by Educational Psychologists to plan and deliver programmes of support to pupils who are experiencing temporary or longer term additional emotional needs.
In our ELSA sessions we aim to provide support for a wide range of emotional needs including:
Recognising and Managing Emotions
Social Skills
Friendship Skills/ Friendship Issues/ Peer problems
Anger Management
Loss and Bereavement
Low Self-Esteem/ Confidence
Family Separation
Pupils are often reffered to ELSA support by their class teacher or SENCO Miss Sambrook.
What do the children think?
"Miss Lusty has helped me calm down when I get angry or upset. she also just makes me feel happy... I go from feeling just okay to feeling really happy"
"Nurture groups help me calm down my nerves and it makes me feel a lot more confident"
"Miss Lusty makes me happy when I am down. She makes me feel really great when i speak to her"
External Help:
Mind Charity-
Young Minds Charity-
NSPCC - Call 0808 800 5000
Childline - Call 0800 1111
The Samaritans - Call 116 123
Crisis Line - Text SHOUT to 85258