Code of Conduct
At St. Mary’s we know how special we all are to God, and so we promise to:
Treat each other the way we want to be treated by:
- Being loving and helpful
- Being honest
- Listening and encouraging each other
- Using our hands, bodies and words kindly
- Including others but not get involved in others’ arguments
- Working as a team, sharing and playing fairly
- Forgiving others’ mistakes
- Being patient and trying to understand the other point of view
- Having good manners
- Having self- control
Sharing our equipment
We know how lucky we are to have our school where we learn and a wonderful world, so we promise to:
- Be responsible
- Take part even when it is a challenge
- Take care of our environment and our equipment
- Be positive and confident and enjoy our learning.
- Be determined to be the best we can be and inspire others
- Be grateful for what we have
- Be independent
Agreed by the whole school: September 2021