School Logo

St Mary’s C of E Primary School

School Logo

St Mary’s C of E Primary School


The School Day


The School day starts at 9.00am pupils can arrive in class from 8.50am when the gates are opened.

We do encourage the pupils to enter school independently, taking responsibility for their own coats, bags and belongings and get on quietly and calmly with the "morning starter" exercise set by the class teacher.


Morning break  takes place every day at 10.30 - 10.45am

Mrs Antcliffe will serve a selection of snacks from the hall doors payable via Squid up to the night before



Monday: 9.15 am Collective Worship with Mrs Cummings

Tuesday: 10.15 Collective Worship with Miss Wright

Wednesday: 9.15am Collective Worship with Mrs Bee

Thursday: 9.15 Parish Visitor

Friday: 3.00 - 3.20pm FAB Assembly


Lunchtime takes place between 12noon - 1.00pm

Therer will be 2 sittings in the hall in one 'Family Style' sitting.  


Afternoon break takes place every day at 2.15 - 2.30pm for KS1 pupils.


The end of the school day is 3.30pm.


Please keep an eye on the school newsletters for afterschool clubs running during the term. Staff meetings are held weekly on Tuesday's straight after school.

